Compare the before and after photos of actual patients, to see for yourself why RealSelf users voted the EMSCULPT® Most Worth It.

EMSCULPT® Results from Actual Patients

What part of the body are you targeting for muscle growth and fat loss? Click and see for yourself.

Abdomen Sculpting

Can EMSCULPT® really help you lose belly fat and develop Six Pack Abs? The before and after photos tell the story for these patients.

Toned and Tighter Midsection

EMSCULPT® reduces inches around the midsection by building muscle and eliminating fat. The before and after photos tell the story for these patients.

Firmer, Lifted Buttocks

EMSCULPT® achieves the effect of the Brazilian Butt Lift without surgery, by developing the gluteus muscles and reducing the fat.

Leaner, Toned Biceps and Triceps

EMSCULPT® achieves leaner, more defined biceps and triceps, and helps reduce the “bat wing”. The before and after photos tell the story.

Sculpted Legs and Calves

EMSCULPT® sculpts leaner, more defined calves The before and after photos tell the story.

Body Contouring | Fat Reduction

Call us now on (858) 330-1966 to schedule a consultation
or email us at [email protected]

Real Patients | Real Confidence


Ready For Your EMSCULPT® Makeover?
